Sedona 2024
You will learn
how electrophysiology and emotional regulation are connected, and strategies for reducing unwanted physiological and behavioral stress responses with Mindfulness and biofeedback
Educational Objectives:
Professionals who complete this practice will be able to:
1. List three benefits of incorporating compassion practices and/or biofeedback treatment into practice.
2. Describe one introductory concept regarding how electrophysiology and emotional regulation are connected.
3. Identify two benefits of using biofeedback with patients who experience anxiety.
4. Identify two contraindications for using mindfulness.
5. Identify two common complaints or symptoms that may be addressed with the application of compassion-based practice in treatment.
6. Describe the efficacy of practicing mindfulness-based approaches as it relates to symptom reduction for at least one health disorder, such as anxiety or chronic pain.
7. Describe one way to assess nervous system reactivity in clients with an individualized stress test to inform clinical treatment interventions.
8. Identify two evidence-based strategies for reducing unwanted stress behaviors.
Health Tech Biofeedback
Combine the power of state-of-the-art health technology with heart centered, compassion-based learning.
Mindfulness, Biofeedback, and Compassion Approaches to Optimal Health
Entrain heart-brain coherence for Improved:
Peak performance
People with anxiety, trauma, depression or chronic pain often struggle with emotional regulation and distress tolerance. They have an impaired ability to access thoughts, and feelings and difficulty asking for help or navigating counseling. This can leave them and their helpers feeling stuck and repeating strategies and recommendations with no improvements. Helping people connect with their body and learn how to interpret its signals provides a pathway to learning a new therapeutic language.
Mindfulness, Biofeedback, and Compassion
Approaches to Optimal Health
Participants will learn mindfulness, biofeedback, and compassion approaches to improving health for individuals with complex symptoms such as trauma, anxiety, depression, or chronic pain. Discussion will surround the purposeful use of therapeutic language to improve how individuals connect with their bodies and learn how to interpret its signals. Participants will explore ways to clarify treatment goals and measure improvement. Mindfulness, compassion, and biofeedback techniques have been rigorously studied and demonstrated to improve numerous physical and emotional health symptoms including those associated with chronic pain, anxiety, stress, and depression. In biofeedback treatment, individuals learn about their emotional state by taking biological/physiological measurements, such as temperature, respiration rate, or heart rate variability, and use that information to choose techniques to target and change symptoms of high stress or dysregulation.
Participants will learn about the research behind biofeedback, as well as use multiple biofeedback modalities to practice in real-time. Through learning and practicing with biofeedback, participants will review and “see” physiological functioning in real-time, while applying evidence-based relaxation and stress reduction strategies. Participants will explore and test relaxation strategies for improved physiological response (discover what really works on your nervous system and what does not).
Detailed Schedule Upon Registration*:
Sunday, August 21st: Welcome Panel discussion- 6 -8 pm We recommend arriving early to take advantage of the resort and the gorgeous mountain vistas upon arrival! (*No CE Available)
Monday, August 22nd: 8:00 am-1 program, 1-2 lunch (4 hrs CE)
Tuesday, August 23rdt: 8:00 am-1 program, 1-2 lunch (4 hrs CE)
Wednesday, August 24th :8:00 am-1 program, 1-2 lunch (4 hrs CE)
Optional Wednesday evening special event Stargazing with Astronomer- (No CE Available)
Registration Inclusive of light breakfast, Breaks and Lunch on the Sunset Terrace (weather permitting)
*(Arrival, breaks, lunches, special events do not qualify for CE. Please see detailed schedule with CE eligability detail)
Mindfulness, Biofeedback, and Compassion Workshop ends
Thursday, August 25th: Optional Partner program, networking excursion and events
9-12, Writing as a spiritual practice. See partner website for this and additional CE offerings
Networking group excursion with Lori Zeltwanger, PT “mother of myofascial release’
Mini-RORE: Winding Creek Unwinding Experience: Are you ready to RORE? This is an opportunity to dive into your body's subconscious holding patterns that may be holding you back & keeping you stuck and finally free them up. details upon registration or email for questions.
A discounted group rate is available to you on a first-come basis. We have also been able to secure significantly discounted pre and post event dates to enable you to enjoy Sedona at your leisure. Hotel reservation link
*Please Note: dates for early in the week are selling out and are available on a first come basis. Please contact us for any difficulties booking.
Additional nights (prior to or following event dates), may be requested by calling the Group Reservation line or via email reservations@pocodiablo.com to get the special retreat rates (928/203-5923).
Early Bird (until June 19)- $699*
General registration (after June 19)- $799*
Late Registration (After August 8th)- $899*
*Does not include accommodations
Continuing Education, CE:
The Arizona Psychological Association (AzPA) is approved by the American Psychological association to sponsor continuing education for psychologist. AzPA maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
12 CORE in-person (synchronous) contact hours of CE have been approved by the Licensed Professional Counselors Association of Georgia (LPCA) as cosponsored by NBCC. LPCA-GA may be used by all those licensed under the GA Composite Board of PC, SW, MFT for license renewal, and is accepted in many states.
This program has been approved by the approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing. Nurses completing this course will earn 12 contact hours. Expires: 6/24/2023. This CE is accepted in most states outside of Florida. Check with your licensing board for details. Provider# 15120.
This program is Approved by the National Association of Social Workers (Approval # 886880790-6127) for 12 continuing education contact hours
Please be aware that the following states do not accept National CE Approval Programs and require individual program/provider application processes:
• New York (http://www.op.nysed.gov/prof/sw/swceinfo.htm )
• Michigan (http://www.michigan.gov/lara/0,4601,7-154-35299_63294_63303---,00.html )
• West Virginia ( www.wvsocialworkboard.org )
The following states currently do not recognize NASW National Approval:
• New Jersey (www.naswnj.org)
• Idaho (www.naswidaho.org)
• Oregon (www.nasworegon.org)
Available at no charge courtesy of New York State Education Department's State Board for Social WorkExpressive Media, Inc. SW CPE #0274 has received approval from the New York State Education Department's State Board for Social Work to offer continuing education to licensed social workers. The Department may subsequently notify the provider that a particular course or courses is/are not acceptable.
Instruction provided is to assist social workers in working with other professions; it does not authorize the social worker to engage in the practice of any other profession, except as allowed by the Education Law.
Available at no charge courtesy of New York State Education Department's State Board for Mental Health PractitionersExpressive Media, Inc. is recognized by the New York State Education Department's State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed mental health counselors. #MHC-0100.
Available at no charge courtesy of New York State Education Department's State Board for Mental Health Practitioners
Expressive Media, Inc. is recognized by the New York State Education Department's State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed creative arts therapists. #CAT-0025.
Art Therapists Please Note: These credits can only be applied to ATCB certification by those holding the LCAT credential.
Check back for updates and email us with any additional needs or questions and we will be in touch shortly
There are many national, state and local licensing boards and professional organizations that will grant continuing education credit for attendance at our seminars. Please save your workshop outline and certificate of completion and contact your own board or organization for specific filing requirements to obtain approval.
For Questions or concerns please contact: DrKlich@MyMindfulwayoflife.com
Learning that Values Clinician Wellbeing
From the Mountain Tops
Learning & Nurturing
To the Seas
“You hold in your hand an invitation: to remember the transforming power of forgiveness and loving kindness. To remember that no matter where you are and what you face, within your heart peace is possible.”
Jack Kornfield